Thursday, April 25, 2013

Them's the breaks.....Part 3

Evening all,

I suppose this is a bit of a sub blog...the blog within the main blog.....but it is important and we don't know where this might end up, so sit down beside me & let's see where we go.

OK, today I had another meeting with the client,  Mr Big (that's what I've decided to call him) present the concepts for the packaging design

I'm not sure yet quite what   to make of gut instinct tells me he's okay....I think we are just sussing each other...but how we will get on long term.....
well it is too early to say, we both know that... Mr Big & me.

What Mr Big wants  from  me is to produce all his salads & sandwiches...agree a decent margin (for him), roll up & stock the fridges...what I am getting are lots of promises from him about volume, dollar signs, more big contracts...

When I suggested a  packaging design  that would be exclusive to his empire, which I would organise , Mr  Big was hooked because......that, as the Spice Girls once sang...
that was, what he really, really wanted.

Inside.....Mr Big wants much more than just sandwiches & salads in generic branded packaging.

Mr Big, has big ideas, he has massive footfall, he also has, not  just money to invest, but that generous spirit that means, he doesn't expect me to take the fall if it doesn't work out....not for the first month, at least.....

Yes, myself ( aka The Delicious Food Co) & Mr Big  are standing at the top of the cliff all decked out in our bungee jumping gear and we are ready to jump.

Watch this space.....

Shirley x

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