Friday, September 13, 2013

Small business...the Edge of (in)Sanity

Evening All,

After a few really positive months, with one good thing after another happening, it only took a little thing to send my spirit plummeting downwards. I've told you about the problems with managing cash flow & we are finally getting on top of it. Most of my clients are paying within 60 days & the bigger ones pay earlier.I know the pattern, what big payments I'll receive in week 1,2,3 & 4 of the month, and I manage our outgoings accordingly.

Last weeks big payment due on Wed for week 1 hadn't been paid by Friday, when I called accounts, I was told "oh sorry I forgot...I'll do it now.." too late for Fridays standing orders and to pay myself & Mr Delicious for last week. On Tuesday I picked up big payment for week 2, when I opened the envelope there were two cheques, one was post dated.for week 3.. I kid thee not... I cried.....another week of stress...trying to get money in from other clients 

Suddenly everything was a problem, the amount of time I spend in the van, the lack of space in fridges in my shops,the time that staff  start at in the morning, the state of my house...I was in a big black hole.

By Thursday lunch time I had covered off the second post dated cheque, with two payments from other clients and the client who had post dated it changed the date so I can lodge it today, so technically we are ahead of where I thought I'd be at the end of this week.
 Problem solved!

But it's not....I'm shook by how easily the negativity & fear took over, I'm worrying about next weeks big payment and how that will effect everything...I'm worrying about the week after....and that's a big one for me because it's my birthday....a significant one..which I will be celebrating with a big DISCO themed party.

I've taken tomorrow off, I will clean my house, I'll make some sales calls, I'm going to the Dublin Fringe Fest, a big love of mine with some friends....I need to get my mojo back and I need it quickly.

I need it for my business, I need it for my family & most of all I need it for me..

cos I am after all..the Dancing Queen, youung & sweet only 17 Oh yeah !

Shirley x

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