Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Spare Ribs.....BBQ Ribs.....Broken Ribs.... Whatever

Evening all,

So Mr Delicious has broken not just one rib....but two ribs. He didn't break them yesterday, or the day before..or even the day before that...he broke them over two weeks ago, when he stabbed himself with the leg of a catering chair he was carrying...don't ask......

Mr Delicious is a humble kind of guy...he hates any kind of fuss, particularly when directed at him....
we've been urging him to go to the doctor for the past few weeks...but oh no "I'll be fine"... he mumbled as he struggled to grasp a breath....Eventually we stopped urging him to go...stopped asking how he is...if I'm honest I think we kinda forgot about it......

That's when he started to talk about it...on Monday I noticed him try & steady himself with one hand on a stainless steel table, whilst putting his other hand on his chest, trying to draw a breath ,whilst declaring....(big intake of breath here...) "I'm okay".... Clearly the message wasn't reaching me....so yesterday he quietly told me he thought it might be time to see the doctor...he's been having difficulty breathing....the pain is excruciating...it's getting worse......

OMG ! ...I'm such a bad partner....I should have been more attentive....should have been more caring....I've just called & offered to collect him from the kitchen but he declined....it's a beautiful evening....."the walk will do me good"....

I just hope that he picked up something for dinner on his way home.....

Shirley xxx

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