Monday, March 23, 2015

Starting Over...

Evening All,

When I started my blog two years ago, I fell happily into the rhythm of writing a blog every week, punching out tale after tale of the  life of a small business owner. I think the blog hit a chord with other small business owners as I revealed the highs & the lows of my daily  journey around the
 Food Lanes of Dublin, owner of The Delicious Food Co.

In 2013 the positive feed back that I got to the blog kept me buoyant personally when I might have otherwise sunk. It was wonderful to share the big successes & not be afraid to tell it as it was when things were tough. What I loved most about the blogs I wrote then was the honesty of them, the lack of fear of  
the freedom of my own expression.

The beauty about writing a  blog is the anonymity of it. I don't think anybody writes a blog for people they know, they write it for themselves (at least I do) and then cyber it out there into the universe to 
see where it lands, who  connects with it. If you write a personal blog like I do, you need to stay strong or the careless (often well meant) whispers about revealing too much can dent that treasured freedom.

So, starting from next week I intend to go back to writing a weekly (humorous) blog on the life of a small business owner,  warts, beauty spots & all.

Why not hop in beside me & come along for the ride , it will be fun.

I promise!

Shirley x

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