It's a week since I first posted my blog on Twitter & FB & got a really positive feedback.Yesterday I tried to write a new blog but I just couldn't get it right. I kept letting elements of my inner demons rise to the fore & you & me aren't close enough for that...not yet.....
A friend who read the blog thought it was great..."very Sex in The City"..he said....My oh my...me & my stilettos tottering into shop after shop with my box of produce...if only it were so.
Hello there,
This week the weather has been playing games with my head...Monday as always we produced full orders for everybody, later as the weather got worse we decided to be cautious, pull back, reduce production, who'd buy a salad in that weather we thought...but oh no....as I made my deliveries on Tuesday morning, it was only the reliable lot who had sold poorly, whilst the others were cleared out.
My friends in Barrow St, must have read my blog (I said they were an erratic bunch) and are now on a mission to show me their love & support.....that they too, like the Merrion Row, Morton's & Fresh crowd can be consistent loyal customers.Our gorgeous sandwiches made with such love, using bread from The Bretzel Bakery & Aruna (a Bridgestone Award winner, if you don't mind) have been selling really well. Check them out in in all the Fresh Supermarkets & Morton's, Lighthouse Cinema, Spar Dame St..... And just in case any of you out there ever think about eating a "garage/wedge" sandwich, check out the ingredients in the bread first.....just sayin.....
One of the hard things about being self employed is getting the energy to keep going when really you just want to stay in your PJs all day, watch silly movies & munch on popcorn . When it's good it's exhilarating...but when it's rough it saps your energy in a way that running a marathon couldn't do.
March has been one of those months... But often it's just a simple thing that gets you back on track...cos lousy & all as the next Croke Park agreement may seem to the gainfully employed...for us entrepreneurs there ain't no choice but to get back on the horse & keep going.
Yesterday myself & Mr Delicious met up with the lovely Johan van der Merwe (see last weeks blog) & his Thesaurus book of flavours in a city pub.I was worried that my products wouldn't be exciting enough for him...Salad & Sandwiches, they're not exactly sexy are they...? However last night as the three of us huddled together & with an A4 pad I could feel the energy & excitement fill me as idea after idea flowed from Johan & Mr Delicious. Johan as former head chef of Cafe Paradiso has a passion & knowledge about food that's intoxicating. My business has always been about producing great tasty simple food,
we are now about to up our game...over the next month we will be tweaking the current product range & introducing fantastic new salads & flavours, ingredients I can't even pronounce, never mind spell, a pinch of this & smattering of that. Johan with his vast experience will be teaching us things about food that no amount of cookery books could teach us. Himself & Mr Delicious are starting in the kitchen next week, cooking, experimenting...coming up with new ideas. I'll be behind them every step of the way, cracking my whip, setting time targets, seizing the day.
I'm back on that horse and I've started jumping the hurdles....the finishing line is sight..and it's bright...
Happy Easter.
Shirley x
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