Tuesday, March 19, 2013

You just never know who....

Hello again,

Wow, sometimes it's hard to just keep going.

 Lovely Paddy's weekend, but the weather is not my friend, so this morning it was with a heavy heart that I set out on this road of self employment.
Every morning I drive to the kitchen, where I transfer, me, my thoughts, my energy, into the drivers seat of my little van which has been packed by Mr Delicious,with our delicious salads & sandwiches, ready for delivery whilst he & the team get on with phase two of the mornings work (more beautiful sandwiches made on gorgeous bread from The Bretzel & Aruna Bakeries ).

I wrote last time of my emotional journey around the streets of Dublin delivering my wares... the ecstacy of an empty shelf & the agony of unsold product, but this morning it was pure ecstacy as shop after shop revealed clean sweeps of sales. Forget that it was Paddy's weekend...., retail.... as George Michael would sing about guilty feet.... "has got no rythm" (stay with me...you'll get use to my ramblings). It lightened my heart, as I trudged through the Spring snow, with my box of salads & sandwiches knowing that out there in this city are over 2,000 people who have eaten our food in the last week.

Not only did we produce all those delicious salads & sandwiches, but we also catered for events at The Dept of Justice, The Irish Stock Exchange & a Gala fundraiser at Project Arts Centre, to name but a few.You see The Delicious Food Co....not just a great name...

I love parties, some would say I'm the ultimate party girl, I think it's  'cos I love people & their stories and at a recent party, the lovely hostess Lorraine with great genorosity introduced me to her friend, Johan, saying we'd get on. ....if he were my friend, I'd keep him to myself, I wouldn't share. And yes we did get on, Johan van der Merwe was fab....You see, Johan is a food purist, a food stylist, former head chef of Cafe Paradiso in Cork. His passion & interest in food & food styling were a joy & infectious. I've admitted before that I can't cook, that's Mr Delicious forte, but I am  passionate about food, about my company & about how food looks. We agreed to hook up again, so today myself & Mr Delicious, met Johan in our kitchen in Smithfield and shot breeze about new ideas and where to next for The Delicious Food Co.

So watch this space, next week Mr Delicious & Johan are going to start cooking up some new salad ideas,I can taste the flavours already, I can see the colours ..Johan has told us to be careful with our leaves...they bruise easily.....it's a pet hate of his... bruised leaves...don't you just love that kind of passion......So in the next few weeks The Delicous Food Co. & Johan will work together to create some fab new tastes which you will cross the city to buy....I swear.


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