Thursday, May 16, 2013

Them's the breaks Part 5...SPAR Troika...are coming to town

Evening all,

I promise not to write about my big break after today, except to let you know, how me & Mr Big are getting along. Monday which was D day...was moved to Tuesday....I'd bought all the bread ready to start but Mr Big  isn't interested in those petty little issues..he's only interested in bar codes & margins.

He's not even that interested in the fabulous new packaging design that myself & my Creative Goddess Orla had created for him..but the new packaging does look amazing. On Tuesday morning I rolled up before 7 am  in my little van with over 250 sandwiches, wraps & salads, made exclusively for his flagship store  under the new brand identity  I had created for him. He was in the store but left without saying hello....but he did call me half an hour later...there was a problem with the bar codes ...get it sorted... & quick...

Ya see, he does care.....

Mr Big is a a bit of an enigma..I'm trying to work him out..I like him & I suppose as long as he needs me, we'll be, yes we've finally bungee jumped off the edge of the cliff, we're both in free fall and both hoping to God that we make it out alive....

This is a big week for all my SPAR clients....the SPAR Troika are coming to town. SPAR is the biggest retail franchise in the world and there is a massive  delegation of SPAR VIPs arriving in town on Monday, everybody is under pressure.

 Consider the pressure in the Dept of Finance, before the arrival of the Troika and their symbolic walk form through town to The Central Bank a few years ago..and that will give you some sense of what's going on in my shops...

That's why Mr Big is so stressed and I really want him & his store to look great.

Other clients don't need my help, everything is  under control. Mr Mmmmm,  of the super posh SPAR in Dublin 2 (he has 4 shops in Dublin 2), had his gold front signage removed & re polished a few weeks ago, he's the SPAR godfather/son.....a Fergal Quinn protege....There will be no pictures of the SPAR Troika walking from his shop  with a homeless person in the sir. Mr Mmmmm will have all the homeless to Milano's where they will be munching posh pizza...after  he has carefully worked out the margin....negative publicity minus cost of lunch divided by neg publicity......60% returns...

Oh yeah...

Shirley x

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