Evening all,
I've been tinkering away with this blog for almost a year now & I have to say it's been a lot of fun. Blogs by their very nature are totally narcissistic, that's why they can become a tad (over) self indulgent. I've just had a quick look at the stats over the last year & I find it up lifting & amusing that one of my top three blogs continues to be "Fifty Shades of Delicious", one of my very first blogs.
So much for all my angst & stress...when it comes to it, it's clear what you are all really interested in & we ain't talking about my food, my demons or cash flow issues..but rather my sleepless nights.
Actually I've been sleeping really well for the past week. I still wake up midway through as I have done for many years now, tot up the balance sheet in my head, but for at least a week now, I've fallen straight back into the deepest delicious slumber, which is full of the most bizarre dreams of fantasy & reality.

I had a very early start this morning as there was a "meet the buyers" event at Dublin Airport. Isn't that the Holy Grail of retail.....21 million passengers, most of them hungry....the shear scale of it...wow.
We started off with a networking session, which was followed by a number of presentations. At the end we were invited to ask questions, starting by introducing ourselves, our business & telling what we do.
Now, could there possibly be a quicker way to let the assembled crowd know that there was in their midst, a food producer called Shirley from The Delicious Food Co who makes fantastic preservative free sandwiches & salads. I hate speaking to groups but I manned up, muddled through my question to a key buyer. Her answer involved a reference to a sandwich tender they are currently involved in ...this prompted a second question from me as to whether the tender is closed...("yes" was the answer).at which point the key presenter, said good humorously, "clearly we have someone in the sandwich business here today.."..
Later as we walked through a tour of the food outlets, I chatted to the buyer who is from a major food service company.When we arrived back I guided her straight to my table of product samples...mini salad pots, granola pots, mini hummus pots...I swear to God they looked fab. The buyer was impressed, so impressed that she asked me if it is possible to get a full range of samples & product list to her for a key meeting at her office on Thursday morning....and hey whilst I'm at it....could I include samples of my sandwiches...
..that sandwich tender is still there for the taking !